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RingHush Reviews: Does It Work? Real Consumer Warning Alert!!!

    BUY PRODUCT CLICK HERE  OFFICIAL WEBSITE CLICK HERE  RingHush is a nutritional supplement that claims to silence tinnitus. By taking two...




RingHush is a nutritional supplement that claims to silence tinnitus.

By taking two capsules of RingHush daily, you can purportedly stop the ringing in your ears. The supplement uses fiber, herbal extracts, and probiotics to solve tinnitus.

Does RingHush really work? Can you really stop tinnitus using natural ingredients? Find out everything you need to know about RingHush today in our review.

What is RingHush?

RingHush is a tinnitus supplement exclusively available through The supplement claims to silence the ringing in your ears, permanently relieving your tinnitus and all related symptoms.

Medical science tells us that tinnitus is caused by physical damage to the hair cells within your ears. As physical damage occurs, it can lead to a ringing in your ears. Some people can solve this ringing by lowering blood pressure. Others need surgery or other invasive procedures.

RingHush, however, claims that tinnitus is unrelated to your brain or ears. Instead, it’s related to something totally different. By targeting this root cause of tinnitus, RingHush claims to relieve tinnitus in anyone suffering from the condition permanently.

There’s no real ‘cure’ for tinnitus, according to modern science. Certain treatments can alleviate tinnitus. Let’s take a closer look at how RingHush works to see if it really relieves tinnitus – or if it’s yet another tinnitus scam supplement.

How Does RingHush Work?

RingHush contains different ingredients than we’ve seen in any other tinnitus or hearing supplement sold online today.

Most tinnitus supplements use herbal extracts and plants to support healthy inflammation throughout the body. By supporting healthy inflammation, you could relieve the ringing in your ears in some cases.

However, RingHush takes a totally different approach to tinnitus. Instead of targeting inflammation, blood pressure, or other common tinnitus sources, RingHush contains digestive aids like fiber, natural laxatives, and prune extract.

Just take two capsules of RingHush per day to give your body the fiber, natural laxatives, and other ingredients it needs to maintain digestive regularity. By maintaining digestive regularity, you can purportedly relieve all symptoms of tinnitus.

Here are some of the ingredients in RingHush and how they work, according to the official website:

Fiber: RingHush contains multiple fiber sources, including psyllium husk, black walnut hull, oat bran, flaxseed, apple pectin, and glucomannan root. All of these ingredients are commonly found in fiber supplements. They’re some of the most common natural sources of fiber available today. Studies show that 95% of adults don’t get their recommended daily intake of fiber. That’s why some people take Metamucil or other fiber supplements. The makers of RingHush do not explain how fiber relieves tinnitus, but the fiber is typically used for digestive regularity (it helps you poop more easily and more regularly). Experts recommend getting 25g to 35g of fiber per day. RingHush contains just 1.5g of total formula per serving, making it unlikely to work as advertised to help digestive regularity.

Natural Laxatives: RingHush contains two natural laxatives we don’t see in any other tinnitus supplement, including prune fruit and aloe vera leaf extract. Both prune and aloe vera have been used for centuries as natural laxatives. Studies show these ingredients support your body’s digestion processes. Like fiber, natural laxatives help you poop more easily. Again, the makers of RingHush do not explain how natural laxatives relieve tinnitus. However, it’s possible that natural laxatives could help cleanse your digestive tract.

Probiotics: RingHush contains a single probiotic strain, Lactobacillus acidophilus. This strain is found in yogurt, fermented foods, and supplements. Your gut needs probiotics to break down the foods you eat. If you have bloating, indigestion, or other similar issues, then probiotic supplements could help. The makers of RingHush claim that this probiotic strain will “help regulate complex processes like the production of neurotransmitters,” allowing you to attack tinnitus from the inside out. There’s little evidence that probiotics impact brain activity in any significant way. They’re in your gut – not your brain. Nevertheless, the manufacturer of RingHush insists that this probiotic strain helps relieve tinnitus.

Overall, RingHush contains identical ingredients to any digestive aid or weight loss aid. Many digestive aids contain prebiotics, probiotics, and fiber, for example, to help you maintain digestive regularity. Many weight loss or detoxification supplements also contain fiber to help you push waste out of your body.

What Does RingHush Do?

RingHush claims the ingredients above work together to eliminate tinnitus and other hearing issues quickly. To do that, the ingredients work in a five-step process.

Here’s how RingHush works, according to the official website:

Step 1) RingHush Destroys Toxins Eating your Brain: The makers of RingHush claim tinnitus is linked to a “brain-eating toxin.” To start, the nutrient blend in RingHush destroys this toxin, which is “the root cause of your tinnitus, hearing loss and memory problems.” This toxin damages your nerve cells and creates tinnitus noise. RingHush claims to destroy this toxin using psyllium husk, bentonite clay, and glucomannan root.

Step 2) RingHush Vanishes the Noise in Your Ears, Restoring Hearing to Full Volume: Soon after taking RingHush, you will purportedly notice “the noise in your ears vanishes, and your hearing goes back to full volume,” according to the official website. The formula has eliminated the brain-eating toxin from your system, allowing your synapses to heal and regain their strength. You will purportedly have no more hearing problems, tinnitus, or other issues after taking RingHush.

Step 3) RingHush Sharpens and Rejuvenates your Mind: RingHush doesn’t just claim to eliminate tinnitus. The supplement also claims to sharpen and rejuvenate your mind. The company claims ingredients like oat bran and apple pectin “act like steroids for your brain and memory” and “supercharge your brain” in multiple ways. Because of these effects, RingHush will purportedly make your brain “10 years younger” shortly after taking it.

Step 4) Enjoy Permanent Protection Against Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, and Memory Problems: RingHush doesn’t just claim to eliminate tinnitus today: it claims to eliminate tinnitus, hearing problems permanently, and memory issues and prevent them from ever coming back. The flaxseeds and psyllium husk in RingHush allow “your brain and memory [to] stay healthy and protected for many years to come,” according to the official website.

Step 5) RingHush Improves your Health and Wellbeing: For the fifth and final step, the makers of RingHush claim that “your entire health and wellbeing start to improve.” They claim you’ll start to noticed improved health within weeks of taking RingHush. The company claims the ingredients in RingHush will “help you reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes….reduce cholesterol, lower blood sugar and help with weight loss,” among other benefits.

Thanks to these five steps, RingHush claims to solve virtually every problem faced by people with hearing loss or tinnitus. The formula not only claims to eliminate tinnitus permanently, but it also claims to sharpen your memory, support inflammation, improve your physical and mental health, and shield you from disease for life, among other dramatic benefits.

The Story Behind RingHush

RingHush is marketed online with a dramatic video and story. In that story, we learn about how RingHush was developed using a top-secret formula from the military.

The story starts with a woman named Sarah who walked in on her husband, threatening to blow her brains out. Sarah’s husband had a severe degenerative brain disease. He did not recognize his wife of 42 years, so he was threatening to kill her.

Sarah, understandably, was shocked. She didn’t know tinnitus could lead to degenerative brain disease:

“Never had she imagined he would do something like this. Never had she thought sudden memory lapse could come along with a monstrous disease such as tinnitus? But the warning signs were always there; they just failed to see them.”

Sarah’s husband, Nick, begged Sarah to make the noise stop. Sarah described it as “the most dramatic experience of our entire lives.”

“Make it stop! Please! Make the insane noise stop!” Nick begged desperately before collapsing on the living room floor, while his wife, myself, and his two beloved grandchildren stared at him in horror.”

Sarah reached out to her brother-in-law, Mark Whittle. Mark was Nick’s brother, and he wanted to find a cure for his degenerative brain disease, memory loss, tinnitus, and hearing problems.

Mark Whittle claims big pharmaceutical companies have deliberately suppressed the cure for tinnitus and hearing loss because it’s a $22 billion a year industry. They have the cure for tinnitus, but they’re refusing to share it because they make too much money from the hearing industry.

Mark goes into great detail about his brother’s experience, declining mental health, and searching for a cure.

To make a long story short, Mark teamed up with a friend named Dr. Chris Stephens. Dr. Stephens is a doctor passionate about alternative treatments. Dr. Stephens told Mark pharmaceutical companies had developed a secret cure for tinnitus but were refusing to share it with the world:

“He’s seen it with his own eyes the deep dark truth about this giant spider web they set up. He always said they are hiding the real solutions just because their drugs are making them insane profits.”

Chris had an inside connection at a pharmaceutical company that gave him the cure for tinnitus. He shared those classified files with Mark, and Mark used that formula to create RingHush.

Because of the contents of those files, Mark believes degenerative brain disease is a choice – not a life sentence:

“They’re lying, and they’ve been lying for years. Brain problems are not only treatable, but they are preventable! And I’ve got the proof for it right here!” Chris concluded. Things went quiet for a moment. Then Chris handed me the classified files, risking his own life and freedom for it. Up to this day, my family and I will be forever grateful for what this man has done for us and tens of thousands of others.”

Mark used that formula to treat his brother Nick. He claims he took his brother out of the hospital “to treat him myself, at my own house.” He gave Nick his formula daily, and Nick improved his hearing, improved his brainpower, and permanently eliminated his tinnitus using the formula.

Today, Mark sells that formula online in the form of RingHush, helping people worldwide eliminate tinnitus, memory loss, degenerative brain disease, and other painful issues.

RingHush Ingredients

RingHush discloses its full list of ingredients upfront. However, the company does not disclose individual dosage, which is hidden within a proprietary formula.

Based on the ingredients label, RingHush seems to consist mostly of fiber and natural laxatives. It’s more of a digestive or detoxification supplement than a traditional tinnitus supplement. However, Mark insists that this is the formula Dr. Chris recommended for treating brain problems.

The full list of ingredients includes:

1.5g of a proprietary blend containing psyllium husk, bentonite clay, black walnut hull, oat bran, flaxseed, prune, aloe vera leaf, Lactobacillus acidophilus, apple pectin, and glucomannan

Other ingredients like gelatin (for the capsule) and magnesium stearate, and silicon dioxide (as preservatives and binders)

There are no other listed ingredients.

How Do the Ingredients in RingHush Work?

The makers of RingHush claim the ingredients work in different ways to target hearing, tinnitus, brain, memory, and more. Here’s how the official website explains it:

According to the official website, Psyllium Husk: Psyllium husk “destroys the dangerous synapse damaging toxin” in your brain that causes tinnitus and hearing loss. By expanding in your gut and encouraging digestive regularity, psyllium husk purportedly “pushes out the toxins and waste in the body” and “acts like a natural antibacterial ant anti-toxin weapon.”

Bentonite Clay: Bentonite clay was traditionally used as a detoxification compound. RingHush added it to their formula because it will “significantly reduce the toxins” inside your body, according to the manufacturer.

Black Walnut: Black walnut is described as a “brain superfood” by RingHush because it’s rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are plant-based antioxidants linked to various benefits.

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is a natural laxative. RingHush uses aloe vera “so that your auditory cortex can start repairing itself.”

Oat Bran & Apple Pectin: The oat bran and apple pectin in RingHush purportedly “supercharge your brain, strengthen your nerve cells and give your mental clarity and focus,” according to RingHush. These ingredients make your brain “10 years younger.”

Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are proven to support cognitive health. RingHush claims the flaxseed in their formula “can improve brain function even in people that already suffer from brain and neural disease.”

Probiotics: Most tinnitus supplements do not contain probiotics. However, RingHush adds probiotics because they support “the health of the entire human body,” including your brain and ears.

Overall, RingHush contains a blend of gut health and detoxification ingredients that purportedly target your brain, hearing, and tinnitus.

Scientific Evidence for RingHush

There’s no scientific evidence validating any of the claims made on the RingHush sales page. The company has not tested the formula on any humans or animals to verify it works, nor has RingHush completed any clinical trials.

The makers of RingHush also make several bizarre, unproven claims about their ingredients and how they work. The company claims “brain problems are not only treatable, but they are preventable,” for example, citing evidence from a doctor named Dr. Chris Stephens. Some lifestyle habits are linked with a lower risk of brain disease, but there’s little evidence that you can treat degenerative brain disease using natural supplements like RingHush.

There’s no ‘References’ page on, and the company does not cite any studies to validate its claims.

As Harvard Health explains, probiotics and other ingredients could support gut health linked to immunity, weight loss, and good digestion. However, no evidence supporting gut health will cure your tinnitus or impact your hearing in any way.

Overall, the ingredients in RingHush could support healthy digestion. However, there’s no scientific evidence supporting the fact that they permanently eliminate your tinnitus, improve your brain health, or improve your hearing in any significant way.

RingHush Pricing

RingHush is priced at $69 per bottle, although the price drops to $59 or $49 per bottle when ordering 3 or 6 bottles.

Here’s how pricing breaks down:

  • 1 Bottle: $69 + $9.95 Shipping

  • 3 Bottles: $177 + Free US Shipping

  • 6 Bottles: $294 + Free US Shipping

Each bottle of RingHush comes with 60 capsules (30 servings). You take two capsules per day.

The company claims the 6 bottle package is “doctor recommended.” However, it’s unclear which doctor recommends using RingHush to treat brain disease or hearing problems.

RingHush Refund Policy

A 60-day refund policy backs RingHush. If RingHush does not improve your hearing, eliminate your tinnitus, or solve your brain problems within 60 days, then you are entitled to a complete refund with no questions asked, minus initial shipping costs.

To be eligible for a refund, you’ll need to ship your bottle (even if it’s empty) to the address listed below.

Returns Address: 37 Inverness Drive E Ste 100 Englewood, CO 80112

Who Created RingHush?

RingHush was created by a man named Mark Whittle, who teamed up with his friend Dr. Chris Stephens to create the formula. Dr. Stephens insists that brain disease is treatable and preventable, and he claims to have sourced the RingHush from classified pharmaceutical files.

It’s unclear where RingHush is made, where the ingredients are sourced, or what type of medical expertise was used to formulate the supplement – if any.

You can contact the makers of RingHush via email:

  • Email:

Final Word

RingHush is a tinnitus and hearing loss supplement that claims to eliminate tinnitus and other hearing issues permanently.

By taking two capsules of RingHush daily, you can purportedly silence the ringing in your ears and permanently end your tinnitus. The supplement also claims to target cognitive health, memory, and overall hearing.

There’s no evidence any of the claims made on the RingHush sales page are true, and no supplement has been proven to eliminate tinnitus. However, RingHush is backed by a 60-day refund policy. If you do not cure your tinnitus within 60 days of taking RingHush, then you can request a complete refund.

To learn more about the creators of RingHush, or to order the product, consumers can visit the official website.

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team and please know we only recommend high quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



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