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Folital Reviews – What to Know First Before Buying This Product!!!

  BUY  PRODUCT CLICK HERE  OFFICIAL WEBSITE CLICK HERE  Folital is a hair loss supplement marketed as a solution to baldness. By taking Foli...




Folital is a hair loss supplement marketed as a solution to baldness.

By taking Folital daily, you can purportedly get back “every hair follicle you’ve lost from the day you were born.” Just take two supplements per day to regrow lost hair and eliminate balding permanently, according to the official website.

Does Folital really work? Or is it yet another hair loss supplement with false promises? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about Folital and its effects.

What is Folital?

Folital is a nutritional supplement sold exclusively online through The supplement claims to use a special hack to restore lost hair, eliminate baldness, and regain any hair you’ve lost.

In fact, the creators of Folital claim their supplement is “the most important breakthrough in the hair loss industry.” The hack within Folital can purportedly regrow lost hair within weeks, including hair you have already lost due to balding:

“This could be the most important breakthrough in the hair loss industry. A hack so incredible it can give you back every hair follicle you’ve lost from the day you were born, in just a matter of weeks.”

The FDA has only approved one treatment for balding hair: minoxidil. Minoxidil has been proven to regrow hair over a short period. Some people apply minoxidil (also known as Rogaine) to their hair daily to regrow hair. Because Folital is a supplement, it does not need to be approved or denied by the FDA. However, the Folital sales page is filled with stories of people regrowing their hair and eliminating baldness after taking Folital.

One should always be skeptical when a supplement claims to regrow lost hair. There’s no clinical evidence that any supplement can regrow hair lost due to balding. Some supplements can support hair quality and hair growth, helping you maintain a full head of hair. However, no supplement has been clinically proven to cause hair to regrow. At least not yet.

Nevertheless, the makers of Folital insist their formula is proven and guaranteed to regrow lost hair quickly.

Folital is exclusively available online through, where it’s priced at around $69 per bottle.

Who Created Folital?

Folital was created by a man named Dr. Robert Cyrus. Dr. Cyrus claims to have discovered a scientifically proven method to regrow lost hair in weeks. He also claims to have over 20 years of experience in the medical field.

Dr. Cyrus claims his formula will bankrupt the multibillion-dollar hair loss industry, causing some of the world’s biggest hair loss companies to go under. He’s confident his treatment works on anyone who wants to regrow lost hair or restore hair they’ve lost to balding, and get the same head of hair they had at a younger age.

Dr. Cyrus was motivated to create a cure for balding after a man walked through his door named Steven Perkins.

Steven Perkins visited Dr. Cyrus’s office. More than 70% of his hair had already disappeared, even though he was barely in his 20s. He was desperate to find a solution to hair loss. He did not want to feel like an old man, and his fiancée was already cheating on him with a man with a full head of hair.

In search of a cure for balding, Dr. Cyrus visited a colleague named Dr. Phillips. Dr. Phillips, like Dr. Cyrus, has over 20 years of experience in the medical field. He specializes in treating balding patients.

Dr. Phillips, however, treats patients using natural ingredients – not minoxidil or other FDA-approved balding treatments:

“Just like me, Dr. Phillips had been in the medical field for over 20 years. He dealt with thousands of extreme cases of alopecia and other serious hair conditions…He strongly believed the secret to hair restoration is hidden in nature and not man-made drugs.”

Dr. Phillips claims he started losing his hair when he was just 13 years old. He was motivated to find a cure for balding, so he developed one himself.

To make a long story short, Dr. Phillips and Dr. Cyrus developed a formula that, like minoxidil, stimulates blood flow throughout your scalp and hair follicles, encouraging growth. After giving the formula to Dr. Cyrus’s patient, Steven Perkins, Steven regrew a complete head of hair.

What to Expect When Taking Folital

Dr. Cyrus claims his formula helped his patient, Steven Perkins, regrow a full head of hair within weeks of taking the supplement.

In fact, that patient started to notice faster, fuller hair growth within days of taking the supplement. Here’s how Dr. Cyrus explains the process:

“So Dr. Phillips and I gave him the formula and instructed him to follow the program according to our lab tests results. Now, for the first few days, nothing major happened.”

Steven documented his experience over the next few days. Eventually, he returned to Dr. Cyrus’s office with a full head of hair:

“…he turned his eyes at me, grabbed his hat, took it off, started smiling, and pointed at his head. And let me tell you. This beautiful man’s hair had fully grown, and it was absolutely shining! He wanted to fool me for a second, wearing that big old hat. But his hair was all there, all of it.”

Dr. Cyrus describes the treatment as “the most incredible transformation I have ever seen in my life.”

Motivated by his successful treatment of Steven’s balding, Dr. Cyrus tested the formula on a group of other people. In his test, Dr. Cyrus observed a 98% success rate:

“In a week, we had more than 70 volunteers ready to confirm our theory…Within just a few short weeks, 98% of the participants reported a major increase in their hair density, showing zero traces of heavy metal toxicity in their system.”

The sales page is filled with before and after images of men and women with severe balding issues who regrew their hair after taking Folital. Men were completely bald before taking Folital. Within a few weeks of taking the supplement, they had regrown a full head of hair.

According to the Folital sales page, men and women can expect similar results by taking Folital daily. The sales page features images of women who had thinning or balding hair before taking Folital, only to completely reverse these issues after taking the supplement.

How Does Folital Work?

As you should with any type of supplement, you need to take a closer look at how the supplement claims to regrow hair, solve balding, and provide other significant effects. So how does Folital work? What does the supplement do?

Folital contains a blend of 29 ingredients that can purportedly flush toxins out of your body, allowing you to regrow lost hair. Toxins have impeded the natural growth of your hair. By removing toxins from your body, you can restore hair growth and enjoy powerful benefits.

The goal of the Folital formula is to flood your body with ingredients that cleanse heavy metals while also giving your body the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it needs to support hair growth.

Folital specifically targets a toxin called thallium. Thallium is a heavy metal poison found in the bloodstream. Folital can purportedly remove thallium from your body, helping you regrow your hair.

What Does Folital Do?

According to the video and sales page, the formula works in a three-step process:

Step 1) Get rid of the heavy metal poison particles that are hijacking your body and hair, including thallium and other toxins. These heavy metals force your body to lose the battle against hair loss, poisoning your scalp from the inside out.

Step 2) Safely introduce certain nutrients directly into the bloodstream. The nutrients in Folital are linked to hair production. By sending these nutrients to your follicles through your bloodstream, Folital can purportedly start regrowing your lost hair rapidly.

Step 3) Once your body uses the nutrients for vital organs like your heart and lungs, it sends excess nutrients to the tiny blood vessels beneath your scalp. These nutrients feed your hair bulbs, allowing your hair follicles to “produce new hair immediately.”

After these three steps, your scalp purportedly gets healthy from the inside out, and you can start regrowing hair immediately.

Folital Ingredients

Folital contains 29 ingredients that can purportedly help you regrow hair within days. The 29 ingredients include plant extracts, herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients linked to balding and hair loss.

Some of the ingredients are designed to remove heavy metals from your body. Others are designed to give your body the nutrients it needs to regrow lost hair.

The makers of Folital claim the formula is 100% natural, with each ingredient sourced directly from nature. The company claims to source its ingredients from Africa, Asia, northern Europe, and even the Amazon jungle in Brazil.

Together, these ingredients walk your body through the following five-step process:

First, your body absorbs the nutrient blend in Folital. Your body absorbs the 29 ingredients in Folital, and the ingredients begin to flush out thallium and other heavy metal toxins from your bloodstream. The ingredients also claim to strengthen your immune system, allowing your hair to regrow fully.

Second, Folital claims to purify your blood and start nourishing your hair follicles. After destroying thallium and other heavy metals in your body, Folital arrives at your hair follicles, providing those follicles with the nutrients they need to rejuvenate themselves.

Third, Folital allows your follicles to start producing new, stronger hair. At this point, your scalp starts to regrow. According to the Folital sales page, you will no longer be bald within a few weeks of taking the formula.

Fourth, Folital claims to “completely eliminate hair loss” while protecting you “against all scalp conditions.” The ingredients in Folital reverse your balding today and prevent you from ever going bald again in the future, according to the Folital sales page.

Fifth and finally, Folital claims to not just reverse balding and hair loss but also improve your entire health and wellbeing. The company claims to use ingredients with mood-boosting properties, helping you fully recover from your hair loss issues.

Below, we’ll check the specific ingredients within Folital to determine how they work.

How Folital’s Ingredients Work

Typically, hair loss supplements don’t claim to regrow hair or provide other significant benefits. However, the makers of Folital insist their formula can regrow hair you have already lost due to balding.

The full Folital formula contains 29 ingredients. However, the ten most important ingredients in Folital include:

Psyllium Husk: Psyllium husk is a source of fiber. You can find psyllium husk in many diet pills, weight loss aids, and digestive supplements. It can help you be more regular. However, the makers of Folital claim that psyllium husk “helps your hair and scalp adapt to stressors” by acting as an adaptogen. Most studies show that the psyllium husk has no adaptogenic properties. However, the makers of Folital claim the psyllium husk goes straight to your follicles, helping your body regrow hair.

Bentonite Clay: Bentonite clay, like psyllium husk, is found in many detoxifications and cleansing supplements sold online today. Bentonite clay has been used for centuries to cleanse toxins from the body. The makers of Folital claim the bentonite clay in the formula “prevents the diseases of both scalp and hair,” giving you a healthy scalp prepared for future hair growth.

Flaxseed: Flaxseed is another common source of fiber found in digestive aids and detoxification supplements. The makers of Folital claim that the flaxseed in their formula has “mood-boosting properties” and is also known for “minimizing hair loss by keeping anxiety and stress at bay.”

Beyond those revealed on the official website, we have not found the full list of ingredients in Folital. We don’t know the dosages or the full list of 29 ingredients within the formula.

Scientific Evidence for Folital

There’s no clinically-backed evidence that Folital or any other hair loss supplement can reverse balding, restore hair loss, or regrow hair.

However, the makers of Folital claim that over 97,000 people have used the formula to regrow hair. They also claim to have performed a trial involving 70 participants. In that trial, 98% of participants had fuller hair within weeks of using Folital for the first time.

Unfortunately, the makers of Folital have not published their research in any peer-reviewed journal. The company has also not released a references page validating the ingredients within Folital. That isn’t to say the study never happened, it may just mean they haven’t done a great job of publishing the results.

Here is what we know about the ingredients listed:

Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are known to be great for skin and hair. They keep your hair nourished, preventing it from drying out. Some studies have shown that regular omega-3 supplementation could prevent hair loss and thinning hair, although no studies have shown that flaxseed can reverse balding or regrow lost hair.

As far as we can tell, no study has ever analyzed the effects of psyllium husk on hair loss. Psyllium husk is a laxative agent and fiber source that helps you stay regular. It appears to be the biggest ingredient in Folital, although there’s no evidence it regrows lost hair. We assume this is included due to the high fiber, allowing the body to rid itself of the toxins that are being cleansed.

The toxic heavy metal thallium is indeed linked with hair loss. Some studies show that balding is caused by thallium poisoning. If you have excessive levels of thallium in your scalp, then your hair follicles could atrophy. Most hair loss is not caused by thallium poisoning, however. And simply eliminating thallium from your body does not immediately reverse balding or hair loss. But it may be an important step in getting your hair to regrow, or at the very least, to become healthier.

Folital Pricing

Folital is priced at $69 per bottle, although the price drops as low as $49 per bottle when ordering multiple units.

Here’s how pricing breaks down when ordered online through

  • 1 Bottle: $69 + $9.95 Shipping

  • 3 Bottles: $177 + Free US Shipping

  • 6 Bottles: $294 + Free US Shipping

Each bottle contains 60 capsules (30 servings) of Folital. You take two capsules of Folital daily to regrow hair.

Folital Refund Policy

Folital is backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee.

If Folital does not regrow your hair within 60 days of your original purchase date, or if you’re unhappy with the results of the supplement for any reason, then you are entitled to a complete refund with no questions asked.

Returns Address: 37 Inverness Drive E Ste 100, Englewood, CO 80112

About Folital

Folital was created by a medical doctor named Dr. Robert Cyrus. Dr. Cyrus claims to have over 20 years of experience in the medical field. After witnessing the effectiveness of Folital on patients, he decided to sell the formula to the world.

Dr. Cyrus claims to source the ingredients from all over the world, including the jungles of Amazon and northern Europe. However, he claims to make Folital at an unidentified location in the United States.

You can contact the Folital via the following: Email:

Final Word

Folital is a nutritional supplement that claims to regrow hair within weeks. The supplement contains ingredients that cleanse toxins and heavy metals from your body, purportedly helping your hair regrow itself.

Unfortunately, there’s no published evidence that Folital or any other supplement can regrow lost hair. Although some supplements can support hair health and maintain healthy hair, no supplements have been clinically proven to regrow hair, restore lost hair, or provide other hair loss benefits

With that said, most supplements geared towards hair health don’t focus on detoxing the body in order to give hair follicles the best chance to go fuller and healthier. The combination of detoxing the body along with other ingredients that focus on hair health, it may the right formula to help users regrow hair. The good news is that they back the formula with a 60-day money-back guarantee. Giving you the ability to try it yourself.

To learn more about Folital or to buy the supplement, visit Each bottle is priced at around $59 and backed by a 60-day moneyback guarantee.

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team and please know we only recommend high quality products.


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



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